magnon sancus

  • Active for over 6+ years
  • Servicing in 23+ Indic languages
  • Team 1500+ language experts

India today has

  • 2nd largest

    Internet userbase in the world

  • 80%

    Active mobile
    internet users

  • 22


  • Tap into a
    userbase of
    boundless potential

  • 9/10 internet users will be
    native language users, with rural India leading the way in
    digital adoption.


  • Translation Services

    A better way to engage your domestic & global
    customers starts with a better translation process

    Find out more about our
    Translation Services

  • Transcreation Services

    Content adaptation from one language to another while maintaining its style, intent, context and tone

    Find out more about our
    Transcreation Services

  • Content Production Services

    Content production services viz. Subtitling, Captioning,
    Video editing, VO services

    Find out more about our
    Content Production Services