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Content Localisation

Content Localisation Services

Our comprehensive content localisation solutions are aimed to offer a holistic user experience by taking a step beyond just translation.

With a focus on cultural adaptation, the content localisation experts at magnon sancus, use regional context and local preferences to ensure that your messaging is clear, concise, and relevant across various geographies.

By complying with the local laws and cultural preferences, we help brands foster deeper engagement and trust.

Key features of our content localisation solutions

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Contextually suitable content includes appropriate use of humour, cultural references, and colloquial phrases.

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Use of right visuals and design elements that pops up the content and represent the cultural aesthetics.

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Designing user friendly interfaces like the navigation bar, CTAs, etc. to offer a smooth digital experience to the native audience.

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Aligning to the local laws and regulations, regional customs and beliefs, privacy policies, etc.

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Frequent checks around the latest trends, and audience tastes and preferences.

Our content localisation suite encompasses

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Convert language barriers into communication bridges with our culturally authentic translation services.

We cover legal documents, digital mailers, technical manuals, and almost everything. Our comprehensive translation services, efficient processes, and scalable workforce never let you lose the potential market reach.

A well-crafted localisation strategy for content creation, enables deeper connection with across cultures.

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With their creative content writing skills, our digital wizards recreate source copy to give it a fresh spin while maintaining the original intent, vocal tone, and emotional connect.

Using our innovative approach to transcreation, we blend expressions with a trendy vibe and multilingual content, and bring a new character to your message.

From captions, carousel ads, to just about anything…we sparkle your content so it resonates across any platform.

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At magnon sancus, we usher that extra layer of confidence to boost your brand reputation, identify those auto-correct failures, improve credibility, spot language related errors, make corrections, and align well with the requirements of your target audience. Our language quality check focuses on:

  • List icons Simplicity
  • List icons Coherence
  • List icons Cultural integration
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Digital Localisation

Entering a new market can present a wide range of challenges to the brands. Linguistic accuracy is a must to win the trust of the local audience. At magnon sancus, we understand the problems related to cultural dynamics, and language inaccuracies.

Our digital content localisation services are designed to combat these challenges by crafting culturally suited digital strategies to help you establish/sustain your brand reputation in regional markets as well.

Kick-start your translation journey!

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