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Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation Services

Handling language complexities and localisation needs, can be an overwhelming task for brands seeking after worldwide reach. Our project based language staffing solutions allow brands to work with skilled and talented staff, suited for specific project requirements.

By integrating experienced localisation and in-market language experts, we swiftly adapt your messaging to connect effectively across cultures.

Key features of our multilingual staff augmentation solutions include

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Adjustable workforce size as per the fluctuating project demands.

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Quick access to top-tier professionals tailored to specific needs.

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Reduced financial costs and administrative burden associated with full-time staff.

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Optimised project timelines and enhanced productivity, cutting down the tedious process of hiring full-time employees.

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Seamless integration with in-house team, leading to complete control on the timelines and the progress of the project.

Our staff augmentation solution entails the following:

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Scalable Teams

In the rapidly changing market environment, quickly adapting your business operations to the regional landscape is a must. With our affordable multilingual scalable teams option, you can avail the expertise of trained professionals, customised to your flexible business needs.

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Offshore Programs

With competitive pricing and seamless collaboration, at magnon sancus, we provide a pool of native language experts who offer smooth communication across borders. Our on-demand skilled professionals bring cultural expertise and prove to be a cost-effective alternative to brands without compromising on quality.

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Onsite Teams

To offer real-time collaboration, we deploy dedicated on-location teams to optimise the workflow, reduce communication gaps, and foster timely project deliveries. Our on-the-ground support ensures tailored multilingual communication solutions.

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